day 13 - 28 july 2016 - 6.46am

13th day upwards

time: 00:43:49

distance: 6,02km

temperature: 20°

first song: not that kind (anastacia)


same procedure as yesterday. thanks again britta for your support. but don't ask me those kind of questions again ;-)


it was cloudy today but not any cooler. I guess I was lucky that it didn't rain. but it must have been raining at night time. it was still wet and therefore lots of snails and slugs on my way. I had to be careful not to step on them. but at least I was a little distracted. because again it was very painful - both, getting up and the run itself.


I will take a break tomorrow but will be back on saturday instead.


now shower and back to bed again :)

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Andrea (Freitag, 12 August 2016 09:44)

    Halbzeit vorbei und ein kleiner Einbruch ist auch verständlich! Dennoch: sehr stolz, dass du das machst, schaffst und dabei bleibst!!!