day 17 - 3 august 2016 - 6.40am

17th day upwards

time: 00:40:25

distance: 6,00km

temperature: 20°

first song: run, baby, run (sheryl crow)


perfect song to start with I would say. but unfortunately nothing went smooth today.


first I forgot my cap, went back to get it and almost stumbled down the stairs. the app was giving me a hard time, the gps didn't work properly, stinky trucks and cars where passing by on my way quite often and I wasn't in the best mood. I waited for the rain but it didn't come.


shower, coffee, office.


tick... only 7 more times to go...

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Andrea (Freitag, 12 August 2016 09:53)

    Bist auch Wienerin, darfst auch mal granteln ;)))